Sunday, September 18, 2011

Robert Mills by Martha Ann Wilkinson Mills

Robert Mills
Written by his Granddaughter
Martha Ann Wilkinson Mills

Robert Mills, the son of William Mills and Mary Greenwood, was born at Lower Lane Rochdale, England.  Family tradition says 5 Oct 1814.  Research by Mary Ann Curtis of the Utah Gen. Society Staff finds the entry of his chr. as follows:

            Robert Mills chr. 29 Mar 1812 son of William and Mary Mills (Bishop's transcript of St. Chad. Rochdale Non-Conformist Church)

Another entry Mary Mills born 4 July 1811 dau of William and Mary Mills in the Union of St. Chapel.  This is quite likely a sister of Robert.

Another item of interest found in the chr. At St. Chad. 11 June 1805, Hannah the dau. of Mary Green wood and William Mills both of Lower Land, Rochdale Lancs. Eng.  This couple may have married at a later date, but we know they were not married when Hannah was born.  Research is now being carried on for more information.

The endowment cards were studied to see if this William Mills could be found.  one name in particular seemed interesting.  William Mills, the farther of Robert Mills chr. 4 Oct. 1784.  He was the son of Edmond and Mary Mills of Lower Lane, Rochdale, Lancs.  To prove this the burial of William Mills must be found.

The marriage of Edmond Mills was found.  He married Mary Holt 12 Feb 1776 at Rochdale Lancs.  One of the witnesses of this marriage was John Holt (Lancs. R# a Vol. 2 Page 284 Par Reg. of Rochdale, Lancs. Eng)

Mary Greenwood's father is John Greenwood.  He md. Hannah Wilde 8 Sept 1783 at Rochdale, Lancs.  James Whitehead was a witness to this ceremonyR3a Vol. 2- Page 284)  This is as far as this line has been extended.

Robert Mills my grandfather had three wives.  This first was Mary Scott.  Born 26 Apr 1812 married about 1835 (Temple record) died at birth of first child.  Wife #2 was Nanny Whitehead, my grandmother.  She was the dau. of James Whitehead my great grandfather, and Martha Hutchinson.  James was christened 12 Jan 1788; Martha his wife 1796.  Both of Copy Knook, now called Cosy Knook, Oldham, Lancs. Eng.  (Gen Soc. By C.D. Harland Yorks S 1 Vol. 1 PP 35-35n-126 Saddlen orth Par. Reg.)  They were md. 27 July 1817 at Prestwich, Lancs, Eng.

James' father Abraham Whitehead md. Elizabeth Heginbottom 10 Jan. 1771 at Saddleworth, Yorks, Eng.  Elizabeth died 4 May 1826 (age 77) born about 1749 (Yorks. S 1 Vol.) (Saddleworth Par. Reg.) This is my 3rd gr. Father and gr. Mother.

Abraham's father was Henry Whitehead, his wife was Susanna Dyson.  This is my 4 gr. Parents.  Here the line stops as there are at least five other Henry's any one of which could be my ancestor.  At the time of marriage, Susanna was a so-journer, this usually means that she was born elsewhere.

Henry was born about 1721; Susanna about 1725.

In the 1841 census, James Whitehead and his family were found as follows:

Nancy Whitehead born 1816, Oldham, Lancs. Eng. (Missouri Census 1850 gives birth 1818)
Betty Whitehead born 1816 Oldham, Lancs. Eng
Ann Whitehead born 1821 Oldham, Lancs. Eng
Sarah Whitehead born 1826 Oldham, Lancs. Eng
Mary Whitehead born 1826 Oldham, Lancs. Eng
James Whitehead born 1831 Oldham, Lancs. Eng

Of Abraham's family we only have record of 1 child, James.

Of Henry White and Susanna Dyson, we have the following children. (Yorks S 1 Vol. 1 pp50, 281, 263, Vol 2 pp 127-143-37)

James Whitehead chr 5 Apr 1747 Delph Saddleworth, Yorks
Hannah Whitehead chr 8 June 1749 Delph Saddleworth, Yorks
Abraham Whitehead 20 Oct 1751 Delph Saddleworth, Yorks
Joseph Whitehead chr 6 Apr 1755 Delph Saddleworth, Yorks

(Yorks. 12 Vol. 6 P. 451)
Susanna Whitehead bur. 11 Feb 1762 at Remires at Prestwich , En. (Cert. Copy of marriage reads) Robert Mills (widr) weaver, father William Whitehead a slubber-Nancy Whitehead (Spinster) father James Whitehead, a spinner at Established church.  Wit. Thomas Hill and James Sheldrick (rec'd copy 17 Feb. 1949) form Somerset House Md. By Banns.

They must have set sail for America soon after the marriage as all their children were born at St. Louis, Missouri, America.  The 1850 census of St. Louis fives the following;

Robert Mills, husband, born 29 Mar. 1812
Nanny Whitehead Mills, wife, born 1818
Martha Mills, dau. Born 1 November 1851
George Mills born about 1853 - twin
Sarah Jane Mills born about 1853 - twin
The twins passed away in St. Louis, Mo. about 1854.

Martha Ann Mills is my mother and she and I seem to be the name sake.  She had good health and lived to be 80 years old.  She died 23 Nov. 1931 and was buried in the Hoytsville cemetery beside her husband.  The first child of this couple died of measles about 1848 or 49.  The family lived in St. Louis until 1863.  While at St. Louis, grandfather worked as a farmer and drayman?  Nanny passed away while there in Aug. 1860.  She was buried in the Weslynn Cemetery beside her three children.

My mother, who was then 9 years old, remembers her as a small slender, frail woman.  She thought probably her trouble was with her lungs.  She remembers her having a dry hacking cough.  Mother described her as having brown eyes and hair.  She wore her hair parted in the center, combed down on each side, then folded under at ears and taken back.

Mother spoke of her as being specially interested in sewing.  I can readily believe that she could have been very efficient in this line.  Mother had a set of quilt blocks appliqué in turkey red and green on white.  All handwork.  So skillfully done you examine very closely to see the stitches.  The design is carefully set together to form a vine running the length of the quilt.

She also had a beautiful black silk embroidered shawl with six inch fringe.  Also a black and white spotted china dog with gold chain around the neck.  These treasures brought from Eng. By Nanny Whitehead mills.  They are now in the family and are revered keepsakes.

On the 2 April 1861 grandfather Robert Mills md. his third wife, Ann Hamilton.  A Scotch girl born in Paisley, Scotland 20 Nov. 1839 or 21 Nov. 1840.  She was a convert of the LDS Church.  She was baptized 6 Oct. 1849 by Peter McFarland and confirmed by A. Baxter at Paisley, Renfrewshere, Scot.  Re-baptized at Hoytsville, Summit, Utah by Charles Tomas Mills 13 Oct. 1878.  Re-confirmed by Oliver N. Harmon 113 Oct. 1878 same place.  This re-baptizing seemed to be practiced by the Church at that time.  I have found most or all of my ancestors re-baptized.

This information concerning brothers from the Wm. Glade Family
James Harris Hamilton born about 1841 at Paisley, Scot.   He md. Margaret Bell, died abt. 1920 endowed 25 Jan 1937
John Hamilton bapt 24 Feb 1857, end. 22 Nov. 1933

In 1863 the Robert Mills family emigrated to Utah.  Now my mother was to be reared by a stepmother.  Along with the Robert Mills family was a bachelor brother of Nanny Whitehead Mills.  He was 32 at this time.  He never married, died about 1881 and was buried in the Hoytsville Cemetery.

To this union was born the following children:

Mary Mills born 13 Feb 1864, blessed 27 Mar 1864 (died as an infant)
John William Mills born 20 May 1866, died 18 Aug 1913 of injuries from a mine cave-in at Park City, Summit, UT
Robert Alexander Mills born 1 July 1868, never md. Died 2 June 1934 Los Angeles, CA cremated ashes buried in the Hoytsville Cemetery.
George Mills born 6 Apr 1861, killed 2 June 1882, caught in rope dragged to death by run-away horse.
James Edward Mills born 27 July 1872, md to Mary Ann Beech, died 8 Apr 1940 heart attack
Perry Mills born 12 Apr 1874, died 13 June 1939 at Evanston, Wyo. Buried Hoytsville Cemetery
Alexandra (Alla) Mills born 8 Sept 1878, died 16 June 1939 at Los Angeles, CA, buried there
Anna May Mills blessed 21 Sept 1879, died 9 May 1882 of measles
Hugh Mills born 27 Dec 1882, died 4 Apr 1909 as result of an accident at the Magna Mill, Salt Lake Co. Utah

Grandfather Mills was the first man to deliver the mail from the track at Hoytsville, where the train stopped long enough to throw it off to Samuel P. Hoyt Post Office.  He also brought the first charter Oak cook stoves to Hoytsville.

My mother told a story about them crossing the plains.  She rode on top of these stoves in a wagon.  Carpet was laid on top of them and possibly other things.  They were going over a dug way.  The load tipped over on top of her.  Mother always told her children the hand of Providence saved her life.  Ever after she feared high roads.

Robert Mills and Alonzo Winters Jr. bought the first reaper and mower used in Hoytsville.  It was a "Champion" each paid half of the cost.  This information was given me by Alonzo Winders Jr., and early pioneer.

Robert Mills farmed on the West Side of the Weber river.  His farm consists of acres of cultivated land.  He seemed quite prosperous and located west of the central point of settlement.  Robert was a hard working man.  He had great love for m mother, who was the only child of his wife Nanny who lived.  HE had blue eyes and light colored hair, and was of medium build, 5'4" tall.

At that time the Desert News was a semi-weekly paper.  Mother always knew when the paper came.  Her evening would be spent with her father.  She faithfully read the news to him at his home.  When father got through with his work and evening chores, he would go and walk home with mother.  Their houses were about 1/4 mile or a little more apart.  Some times mother would get drowsy and nod.  After a gently reprimand, she would rouse and finish her reading.  This went on as long as Grandfather lived.  Though mother had ten children, she managed her work so she spared this time for her father.  Not only for him, but if her step-mother had particular business or letter writing, Mother was the one whom she wanted to do it for her.  And in her declining months, she came from California to Mothers and passed away 12 June 1919.

Grandfather passed away at his home 19 Jan 1891.

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