Sunday, January 16, 2011

An interview with Vernon Alvin Black

An Interview with Vernon Alvin Black
(Interviewer unknown)

Why did they give you that name?
I was named after my Father. I was the second boy because they didn't know if they would have another boy.

How old was your mom when you were born?
Mother was 23 years old when I was born. I was the 2nd of 5.
Date: 3/9/11
Place: Hunting ton, Utah
Time: 1:30am
Weight: 8lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 1/2"
Hair color: Dark Brown
Temperament: average

Did you ever fight with your brother and sisters?

Who treated you the nicest and who the worst?
Older brother worst, younger brother best

Did you have to share your room?

What was the best birthday you ever had? Why?
1986 - All the Grandchildren came and decorated the house, made a cake

How much did the tooth fairy leave you for a tooth?
5 cents

How old were you when you got an allowance
No allowance

How did your parents punish you? Did they spank you? Who was stricter?
Yes they did - mother

What was the naughtiest thing you ever did?
One time my sister got two small china dolls. I smashed them together and broke both of them. I have felt sorry for it ever since.

Did you ever go sledding, skiing, or skating?
Sledding, skating, skiing a lot

What sports did you like?
Basketball, Track and Baseball, Hiking

What games did your mom and dad play with you?

Did you get to stay up late? Did you argue about your bedtime?
No - yes

What kind of appliances did you have to cook with, wash clothes and light the house?
We had a wood burning cook stove, a hand turning washing machine, kerosene lamps

How big was your room and what did it look like?
About 12' long, 8'wide four plain walls.

How many people lived at your house?
Seven people lived at our house.

How did you keep you house warm in the winter and cool in the summer?
A wood burning stove was our only heat for winter. We had no special cooling device.

What was your favorite thing in the whole house?
My favorite thing was a Kodac I bought what I was 12 years old. I still have it.

What did your house look like?
Just plain four walls, single gable roof, living room, kitchen and three bedrooms, very plain.

How big was your yard?
About 1/2 acre

Did you ever go to the hospital? Did you have stitches or break any bones?
In 1936 I had my appendix taken out in George Aiken old Hospital. When I was 14 year old I had my collar bone both shoulders and bones in my neck broke.

Were you scared of doctors or shots?
I don't remember being scared of them.

What kind of transportation did you have?
First - horse and buggy, 2nd -horseback, 3rd - train, bus, boat, plane
Shank Ponies

Did you ever run away from home or just hide from you mom and dad?
Both, but not for long.

Where was your favorite place to go when you were angry?
Out in the woods or on a fishing stream.

What chores did you have to do?
Feed and milk the cows, feed the goats and sheep, also feed the chickens, chop and bring in wood, weed the garden, etc.

When you were given money what did you spend it on? What could you buy for a quarter?
Bought no knick knacks. Just clothes, etc. I remember when I could buy a shirt for 25 cents.

Did you have a pet and what was its name?
I had a dog named Keno, a goat named Meanie

What did you like the most about your best friend?
The best friend I had liked to do the things I liked best. No fights, secrets yes "two friends just alike"

Did you ever tease girls? Was there a bully who picked on you?
Not much teasing girls, no bully

Did you make cards to give on Valentines Day?
Making cards was practically the only Valentines we had

Did you ever give candy or flowers to a girl?
Very few times, but once in a while I weakened and gave some away.

Did the Easter Bunny ever leave you a basket?
Very few Easter Baskets, Egg hunt every year.

Did your family have a picnic on the fourth of July?
Yes, that was an annual event with my family. Very few firecrackers or fireworks.

Did you dress up on Halloween?
We sure did dress up on Halloween and always made our own costumes.

What did you usually do on Thanksgiving?
We went about three city blocks to my grandparent's home for Thanksgiving dinner.

Was your mom a good cook? What did she make the best?
Yes she was a good cook. I loved her homemade bread.

Did you live where they had snow? Did you make snowmen?
Yes, plenty of snow, many, many snowmen, other snow things

Did you help make Christmas cookies and candy? What were your favorites?
I helped make Christmas cookies and candy - peanut brittle was my favorite candy "any cookies"

Did you remember a special gift you made for someone else?
I made a play cupboard, table and chairs for my younger sister

Did Santa come to your house?
Yes he did and he was pretty darned good to me.

Did you ever see or talk to him?
Yes I did and that was when I was disappointed the secret was out.

Did you hang your stockings and what did Santa put in them?
Yes, I hung my stocking up, Every Christmas I got .... Oranges.

Did you have a tree? How did you decorate it?
Yes we had a tree - We made paper chains, strung popcorn, had candle holders, wax candles, 1 string of tinsel we used over and over.

What did you usually do on Christmas?
We would sleigh ride, make snowmen, snow animals. Would usually visit grandmother. Check with neighbors, visit our relatives. Christmas went too fast.

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