Samuel Allen enlisted at Bedford Court House, Virginia, in Captain David Grissom's Company of Colonal Jefferson's Virginia Regiment, in the spring of the year (Year unknown) and served six months in the American Army. About 1780 he moved from Bedford Court House, Virginia, to Orange County, North Carolina, where he served nine months under Captain Grissom, who also had moved there. He fought in the Battle of Guilford Court House and Eutaw Springs. August 27, 1782, he married Nancy Hester in Orange County, North Carolina.
Later he moved to Chester County, South Carolina, and removing from there in 1803, to Pulaski County, Kentucky. In 1805 he entered 76 acres of land on Cold Weather Creek, which is a tributary of Fishing Creek, and in 1815, he entered 47 acres on Fishing Creek. Here Nancy Hester Allen died February 13, 1829. In 1832, Samuel Allen applied for a pension and received fifty dollars a year form the government. The last payment of pension was made September 4, 1841. His death occurred December 11, 1841. Both he and his wife were buried in the family burial ground on the banks of Fishing Creek. The place of his burial is located on a place later owned by Cornelius Wesley, and is about nine miles northwest of Somerset, Kentucky. * * *
The following was sent by Curtis R. Allen, 31 Jan. 2003:
The following is a transcription of the pension application of Revolutionary War soldier Samuel Allen (spelled "Allin" in the Application). This was taken from the original application papers on file at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Some of the script is difficult to interpret and some words are therefore shown as "--------". Other words may have been misinterpreted. I have been as careful as possible and apologize for any error. Inserted in the transcription are comments intended to clarify the meaning. These are italicized. The original spelling has been retained, as much as could be deciphered.
Curtis R. Allen 1960 (amended 2001)
Declaration in Order to Obtain the Benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 4th, 1832.
State of Kentucky, County of Pulaski, Att.
On this 19th day of November 1832 personally appeared before the County Court holden for said County of Pulaski, Samuel Allin, Sen., a resident of said County of Pulaski and state of Kentucky, aged Seventy Six on the 30th day of December next, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision, made by the act of Congress passed June 4th 1832. That he served during the Revolutionary War, between the United States & Great Britain as herein below stated.
To wit: He volunteered in the County of Bedford in the State of Virginia as a mounted volunteer Militia, furnishing his own horse, Rifle gun & c. in the spring or summer of the year, but the year he cannot state, but well recollects that it was in the same year that the bigg frost fell which was on the 4th day
of May, and was of the same year he volunteered, that he volunteered as aforesaid to perform a tour of duty of six months at Bedford Courthouse in the State of Virginia under Capt. Davis Grissom and to the best of his now recollection his Col. named Jefferson.
(Comment. The commander of the Virginia Militia was Col. William Washington, a relative of George Washington. It is possible Samuel, aged 76, remembered the surname was that of a President and confused it as Jefferson. No Col. Jefferson has been found in revolutionary war history to have been associated with theVirginia militia).
The troop to which he belonged marched from Bedford Courthouse to Hillsborough in the State of North Carolina. From thence to Guilford Court house marching to the border of the State of South
Carolina, and performing many other trips or tours were frequently visited by officers of the Regular Army of the United States but being very young at the time cannot at this time give their names. Was discharged after serving out said tour of duty in Orange County in the State of North Carolina by my Capt. Davis Grissom, but which said discharge I have lost or mislaid, not having seen it for many years. Afterward, time not recollected, the said Samuel Allin as also the said Capt. Davis Grissom,
removed from Bedford County, Virginia to the State of North Carolina, and settled in Orange County in that State North Carolina, that he the said Samuel Allin, volunteered to perform a second tour of duty as a mounted Volunteer Militia of nine months tour, equipping himself as in the 1st tour, with horse Rifle gun & c. under the same Capt. Davis Grissom, then of Orange Cty, North Carolina, turned out at Hillsborough in the said State of North Carolina as a Militia man, but was repeatedly during this tour of duty engaged in Scouting Parties after the Tories, and scouting forage waggons. That he states he cannot recollect the name of the Regiment, nor the officers comprising it. nor can he state the day month or year he Volunteered to perform this 2nd tour of duty. Marched from Hillsborough, was at the battle of Guilford under the command of General Butler. Afterward, the Troops to which he belonged marched to the Catawba River at a little town called Camlin. There I met Genls Sumpter & Green of
the Regular Army, marched from there to the High Hills of Santee, in the State of South Carolina, in view of the British Army, but not being able to cross over, the Troops of the American Army to
which I belonged was marched back and crossed above the mouth of Santee River. Over to Thompson's Fort, where the enemy lay, but they had left there before our men reached that place, from thence pursued the British Army on foot, drawing at that place, Thompson's Fort, three days provisions,
(Comment: Thompson's Fort was on the Congaree River south of Colombia,S.C. and is mentioned in some other pension records. At least two others mention serving under Capt. Grissom but some spelled it Grisham.)
pursued the enemy to Heutaw Springs at which place the American Army came up with the British Army, and put them to flight, after a very severe Battle, taking many Prisoners. After the Battle, the army marched back to Thompson's Fort. While there, my said tour of duty of nine months expired. But was not discharged, as it was said then least the men might scatter, and be taken by the Tories, but had a written Discharge afterward by my Capt. in Orange Cty North Carolina, the County and place of my residence, afterward to the best of his the said Samuel Allin's recollection, in the County of Orange in the State of North Carolina, he thinks in the month of July in the year 1782, at Staggs Old Field, being the place of mustering of the Company to which he belonged in said County of Orange, he volunteered to perform a tour of duty of eighteen months.
(Comment: This date is unlikely. By October of 1781, Cornwallis had surrendered at Yorktown. Also we know Samuel was married in August of 1782 and was not likely in the militia at that time).
Whether correct in the time as above stated or not, it was at the time Cornwallace with his army had possession with his Army of Hillsborough in said State of North Carolina, he turned out as a Volunteer under Capt. Davis Grissom, again which is his 3rd & last Tour. ______ a footman belonging to what was called the North Carolina Militia but before the muster or before the Company of said Capt. Grissom rendezvoused, Corn Wallis, with his Army vacated Hillsborough and marched his army to Little York, where he surrendered to the American Army under the command of Genl. George Washington. But of this tour of duty he states, that before the Company marched to which he belonged his Mother was taken seriously dangerously ill or sick, and the family consisting only of her, himself & a negro girl, he was compelled to furnish a substitute (to wit) Robert Childress to perform said last named Tour, and to promise to him said Childress the sum of one hundred sixty pounds in specie to take the said Allin's place, and perform said tour of duty for him, which the said Allin afterward on the 24th day of February 1783 _____ his promissory note and for greater calamity, refers to said note at this time without his name, it being torn off after payment being made or the same discharged, rather than to have his Mother in her sickness , said note referred to and accompanying this Declaration is marked A, and the said Saml. Allin states it was agreed upon between himself the said Samuel Allin & and his substitute Robert childress, that for the sum aforesaid the said Childress was to perform said tour of duty in his said Allins stead and place and to furnish him said Allin with the discharge which he said Childress did so and which said discharge the said Samuel Allin states he has lost or mislaid long since, he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state, sworn to and subscribed in open court the day and year aforesaid.
Samuel Allin
his mark
(The Promissory Note)
I promise to pay or cause to be paid unto Robert Childress on his order the just and full sum of one hundred and sixty pounds specie on or before the 25th Day of December 1786 it being for Value Recd as witness my hand and seal this 24th Day of February 1783.Test. (corner torn off)
(Also attached is a testimonial by persons knowing the applicant and supporting statements by the court)
Jas. Alston [end]
In Pulaski Margaret, [widow of John Dick] filed for a Widow's pension (Grant 8668, Archieves film
Samuel Allen wrote in support of the application, an acquaintance of the family had spoke with John of their experiences in the war.
The following info was sent by Curtis R. Allen a descendant of Andrew Jackson Allen, Sep 2002:
"The "Governor Warren of Virginia" connection figures in these unverifiable connections. There was never a Governor of Virginia named Warren either in colonial times or later. There was a General Governer Warren in the Civil War but he was a New Yorker and saved the union from disaster on the second day at Gettysburg.
In 1960, I was in D.C. for a business meeting which extended past a weekend. I went into the National Archives and looked at Samuel's pension file. They allowed me to check the entire folder of the original papers. I was able to get a photostat (before the Xerox days) of the papers, including the
promissory note to Robert Childress. I have since reviewed Samuel's recollection in comparison to accepted history and found it to fit quite well except for dates, which can be a problem for a 76 year old man. One error of memory I think he made was the Colonel's name. It was probably William Washington, a cousin of George, who commanded all the Virginia militia. Jefferson would be a natural error as both names were of Presidents. I also visited Kentucky in 1960 and was able to verify Rial's marriage date and some other things but found nothing new. The old homestead is covered by a lake.
A few years ago, on a trip to satiate my hobby of history, we went to Bedford County, Virginia; Hillsboro, North Carolina and Guilford Courthouse battle site. There is little of genealogical interest in any of those places except the fact, from his pension application, that Samuel was there. At Guilford, it was clear where Samuel, who was then a rifleman in the North Carolina militia, would have stood as a sharpshooter aiming at Cornwallis's redcoats. It was September and I would have liked to have been there in March, the season of the actual battle in 1781.
Father: ALLIN
These lists are all the pensioners under the Act of March 18, 1818 and the Act of June 7, 1832. The first date is when the individual was placed on the pension rolls; the second when the pension began. Age, if shown, would be age at time of application (for the act of 1818).
Allen, Samuel Sr Pvt. VA militia; 24 Sept 1833; $50; age 78.
AGE 78
Veterans Memorial, All Wars
Allen, Samuel Sr Pvt. VA militia; 24 Sept 1833; $50; age 78.
edited by William D. Bennett, C.G. Privately Published .Raleigh, North Carolina, 1990
(P128) P.695, 29 October 1789, Archibald Machon (Mahon) of Orange to Joseph Hodge of same, one hundred pounds, 250 acres, granted t Archibald Mchone (Mahon) on waters of Haw Cr., begin at a (torn) Clendinan's cor., N54W 6 ch. To a BO, N28W 78 1/2 ch. To a hicory, N!&E 1 1/2 ch. To a white oak, S62W 29 1/2 ch. To a stake, S10E 26 ch. To a BO, S 66 1/2 ch. To a b jack, S18E 20 ch. To a BO, S10W 9 ch. To a (torn),
S62E 4 1/2 ch to fork of a branch, N#)E 7 ch. To a post oak, S67E 2 ch to a stake, S48E 9 1/2 ch. To a BO, N14E 17 ch to a black oak, N72E 33 ch. To beginning. signed Archibald (X) Mahon; witness: William Clendinin, Samuel Allen; proved May 1793 Term by William Clendinain
There was another Samuel Allen in Orange Co., North Carolina who was in the North Carolina Pension Roll of 1835:
AGE 73
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