Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Patriarchal Blessing for Eliza Dangerfield West

Eliza West
Patriarchal Blessing
January 21, 1877
Salt Lake City

A Patriarchal Blessing given by Charles Edwards Patriarch, upon the head of Eliza West, daughter of Thomas and Caroline Dangerfield. Born Sept. 7th, 1832 Middlesex County London England.

Sister Eliza in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I place my hand upon your head and pronounce a Patriarchal Blessing, according to the commands and revelations of Jesus Christ through the Holy Priesthood given to me in this dispensation. I say unto you that you are of the Blood of Joseph that was sold into Egypt through the lineage of Ephraim and you are numbered among the mothers of Israel from whom much is expected.

You have a great work to perform upon the Earth. Seek to obtain the blessings of the Spirit of the Lord and the revelations which God seems fit to bestow upon you for the regulation and direction by which you shall be guided and directed in all your course through this your probationary state, and the power and spirit of God shall accompany all your administrations to your family and wherever your lot may be cast. For you shall administer unto the sick and see them healed; even the deaf to receive their hearing and the dumb to speak and almost the dead to be raised. For your faith shall be great in obtaining visions--administrations of angels who shall eat at your table and partake of food that shall have been provided by you and your family.

You shall have knowledge of spirit of just men made perfect and all the power which God designs to place upon the Daughters and Mothers in Israel. Seek to be directed by that monitor within you which shall always be your boon companion and shall be your comfort through all the troubles and trying times which you may be called upon to pass through during your future life which shall be lengthened out according to your faith and prayers and the desire of your heart. You shall always be enabled to counsel righteously with your sisters and be a particular friend to your sex, even the honorable women in whose company your lot may be cast and be enabled through your rich counsel and advice to bring back to the fold of Christ many who may have strayed away from the truth.

You shall always be a comfort to your husband, to his wives and to his children. Your name shall continue to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life and be had in honorable remembrance among the Mothers of Israel. You shall always feel happy and rejoice in having the privilege of donating of your substance to build temples and to assist in furnishing and decorating the same, to the honor and glory of God the Eternal Father and

Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant within the walls of which you shall become familiar with the Third Heavens and see and hear things which to mortals shall not only be insufferable but unlawful to utter except at proper times and proper places appointed for so doing. Your days and years shall be lengthened out and you shall live as long as life is sweet to you and see the Zion of the Lord redeemed and his kingdom fully

established upon the Earth. These blessings God will bestow upon you for the true integrity of your heart for having suffered your husband to enter into the law of Celestial marriage and partake unto himself another wife. Continue to administer unto him and God will bless you not only with blessing that is pronounced upon you at this time but greater blessings, which I cannot give utterance unto.

I seal upon you all your former blessings; your baptism, your conformation, your washings, your endowments. I say unto you that your pathway, though naturally troublesome, shall always appear straight unto you and hold fast to the rod of Iron and you shall arrive safe to your desired haven. I seal these blessings upon you and seal you up with power to enter into lives with your husband and all his wives and children whose posterity shall become numerous as the sands upon the seashore worlds without end.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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