Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Alvin and Sarah Cox Black

Wedding Photo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhonda are you still around? I am Claude’s daughter Darlisa. I especially love this photo of grandma and grandpa in front of dad‘s service station. I think that’s in Glendale? Pretty sure. If so the post office was in the same building I believe and they lived upstairs or in the back at least for a while. Grandma was postmaster for something like 50 years!

    On the biography about Alvin you shared the story of him walking out of Mexico. my father, Claude, loved to share this story with us kids. Part of the story not mentioned here is that grandpa Alvin was conscripted into the Mexican army for a short time, but managed to escape one night. He snuck out under the cover of darkness and occasionally had to flip open his trenchcoat and shoot through the pocket lining so he could keep the gun hidden. So, Grandpa shot his way out of the Mexican army, pretty cool! Dad still have that little pistol, I got to shoot it when I was younger and it kicked like a mule. Another little story dad told, from their time in Mexico. He was about three and was picking up Mexican words pretty fast from the kids in the neighborhood. Grandma got upset because she thought he was cussing or something and she washed his mouth out with soap. 🤪🤣
