Thursday, March 10, 2011

Abigail Cadalader Brown short notes


Born January 31, 1797 in Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
Died August 22, 1872 buried in SLC, Utah
Married Abia William Brown Sr. April 30, 1830

She was raised in a Quaker family. Her father was a country gentleman farmer. She met and fell in love with Abia Brown. His mother forbid the marriage, but they loved each other and were married. They had a happy life for about 18 years when Abia died. She had had seven children, five girls and two boys, but lost two of the girls and one of the boys in infancy. She learned the art of silk production to take care of her family after Abia's death. They raised the silk worms, reeled and spun the silk threads, and dyed it to make it ready for use. She heard the gospel and was baptized. She came to Utah with her oldest daughter with whom she lived until her death. When Johnston's Army came to Utah, widows were advised to marry. She married Ben Brown, he was no relation to her husband. She never lived with him and the marriage was later annulled and she was sealed to Abia.

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