Friday, June 4, 2010

A missionary moment

This story was told by Ezra H. Curtis:

After the meeting where Brigham Young heard the five missionaries including Enos, bear testimony of the Gospel, he hurried home to his wife who was sick in bed. He went to his room

and in praying to the Lord, he asked: "If this religion is true, to send the missionaries to his home, that they might pray for his sick wife and also explain the Gospel to her." The next night as the Elders were passing his home, they were impressed with the tidiness of his yards and said any man that has that much pride in his home must be worth visiting, so they went in. Brigham was watching from the window to see if his prayer would be answered. He hurriedly opened the door and welcomed them in. They administered to his wife and she seemed more at ease. Brigham then told them he had prayed for them to come and that he had faith she could be healed through their administration.

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